
Raymanisa1995platformvideogamedevelopedbyUbiPicturesandpublishedbyUbiSoft.TheplayercontrolsRayman,whomustpursueMrDarktorecoverthe ...Gameplay·Developmentandrelease·Reception·Legacy,Raymanisafranchiseofplatformervideogames,createdbyvideogamedesignerMichelAncelforUbisoft.Sincethereleaseoftheoriginalgamein1995, ...RaymanLegends·RaymanOrigins·Rayman(character)·RaymanM,DownloadSize...Rayman()isasid...

Rayman (video game)

Rayman is a 1995 platform video game developed by Ubi Pictures and published by Ubi Soft. The player controls Rayman, who must pursue Mr Dark to recover the ... Gameplay · Development and release · Reception · Legacy


Rayman is a franchise of platformer video games, created by video game designer Michel Ancel for Ubisoft. Since the release of the original game in 1995, ... Rayman Legends · Rayman Origins · Rayman (character) · Rayman M

Rayman (video game) - Nintendo Wiki

Download Size ... Rayman () is a sidescrolling platform game for the Game Boy Color, developed by Ubisoft. It's an 8-bit version of the original Rayman released ...

Rayman 1 - Rayman Game Wiki

As Rayman, a limbless and carefree hero, players embark on a journey to save the Electoons and restore harmony to the Dream Forest. Armed with his unique ...

Rayman Classic

Rayman Classic is a mobile port of the PC version of the original Rayman game with much of the soundtrack from the PlayStation version.

Rayman 1

Rayman, more commonly known as Rayman 1, is the first game in the Rayman series and features the debut of the titular character. The game was first released in ... Plot · Gameplay · Characters · Version differences

Rayman (PS1) | Retro Game Wiki

Rayman was an action/adventure and platformer game made for the PlayStation 1, the Sega Saturn, and a few others. It was made by Michel Ancel and Serge ...

Rayman | Video Game Wiki

Rayman ; Console. Atari Jaguar ; Developer. Ubisoft ; Publisher. Ubisoft ; Genre. 2D Platformer ; Release Dates. September 8, 1995 (NA).


Rayman Advance; Rayman Classic; Rayman Ultimate. In more languages. Spanish. Rayman. videojuego de 1995. Traditional Chinese. No label defined.

Rayman (1995) - Is It Actually Any Good?

So begins the first of a two-part series taking a look into one of gaming's most under-appreciated mascots. Rayman first entered our living ...